Type: Transport
Origin: Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenwerke AG
Models: V1 to V15 and A-1
Production: N/A
First Flight: October 1941
Ju 252A-1:
Model: Junkers Jumo 211F
Type: Inverted V12 liquid cooled
Number: Three Horsepower: 1,350 hp
Wing span: 34.09m (111 ft. 10¼ in.)
Wing Surface Area: N/A
Length: 25.10m (82 ft. 4¼ in.)
Height: 5.75m (18 ft. 10½ in.)
Origin: Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenwerke AG
Models: V1 to V15 and A-1
Production: N/A
First Flight: October 1941
Ju 252A-1:
Model: Junkers Jumo 211F
Type: Inverted V12 liquid cooled
Number: Three Horsepower: 1,350 hp
Wing span: 34.09m (111 ft. 10¼ in.)
Wing Surface Area: N/A
Length: 25.10m (82 ft. 4¼ in.)
Height: 5.75m (18 ft. 10½ in.)
Empty: 13,100kg (28,884 lb.)
Loaded: 24,000kg (52,911 lb.)
Maximum Speed: 272 mph (439 kph)
Cruise Speed: N/A
Range (With Max. Payload):
3980km (2,473 miles)
Initial Climb: N/A
Service Ceiling: N/A
MG 131 in EDL 131 turret mounted dorsally
MG 15 in beam windows

The result of talks between Junkers and Lufthansa in December 1938, the Ju 252 (EF 77) was eventually to replace the Ju 52/3m. After a somewhat protracted development, due mainly to changes made by Lufthansa, the V1 flew in October 1941. The V1 was a 35 passnger pressurized airliner with exceptional performance, however this aircraft was ordered into production by the RLM as an armed transport.
Junkers had some difficulty integrating armrament into the design but eventually managed to do so. Even though this aircraft was a substantial improvement over the Ju 52, it's production order was cancelled. Only a fifteen or so airframes that were in production at the time of the cancellation were completed. Junkers was ordered to adapt the design to use non strategic materials and the result was the Ju 352.

Gunston, Bill & Wood, Tony - Hitler's Luftwaffe
, 1977, Salamander Books Ltd., London
Empty: 13,100kg (28,884 lb.)
Loaded: 24,000kg (52,911 lb.)
Maximum Speed: 272 mph (439 kph)
Cruise Speed: N/A
Range (With Max. Payload):
3980km (2,473 miles)
Initial Climb: N/A
Service Ceiling: N/A
MG 131 in EDL 131 turret mounted dorsally
MG 15 in beam windows

The result of talks between Junkers and Lufthansa in December 1938, the Ju 252 (EF 77) was eventually to replace the Ju 52/3m. After a somewhat protracted development, due mainly to changes made by Lufthansa, the V1 flew in October 1941. The V1 was a 35 passnger pressurized airliner with exceptional performance, however this aircraft was ordered into production by the RLM as an armed transport.
Junkers had some difficulty integrating armrament into the design but eventually managed to do so. Even though this aircraft was a substantial improvement over the Ju 52, it's production order was cancelled. Only a fifteen or so airframes that were in production at the time of the cancellation were completed. Junkers was ordered to adapt the design to use non strategic materials and the result was the Ju 352.

Gunston, Bill & Wood, Tony - Hitler's Luftwaffe