Junkers Ju 288
Ju 288A
First seven prototypes with BMW engines
Ju 288B
Seven prototypes with slightly enlarged airframes and better defensive armament
Ju 288B (V14).
Ju 288C
Final eight prototypes (of which only four were completed) with two Daimler-Benz DB 606 or 610 "power system" engines. This version was selected for serial production in 1944, but the programme was abandoned before this could take place.
Ju 288C (V103).
Ju 288D
Mock-up of a Ju-288C with improved tail armamentJu 288G
Design for an anti-ship version armed with a 355.6 mm (14 in) recoilless cannon
Ju 288G.
Gunston, Bill - The Encyclodepia of the Worlds Combat aircraft, 1976, Chartwell Books, Inc., New York
Brown, Eric, Captain - Wings of the Luftwaffe
, 1979, Airlife Publishing Ltd., Shrewsbury
Gunston, Bill & Wood, Tony - Hitler's Luftwaffe
, 1977, Salamander
Books Ltd., London
Donald, David - The Complete Encyclopedia Of World Aircraft, 1997, Brown Packaging Books Ltd., London
Wikipedia - Junkers Ju 288
Gunston, Bill - The Encyclodepia of the Worlds Combat aircraft, 1976, Chartwell Books, Inc., New York
Brown, Eric, Captain - Wings of the Luftwaffe
Gunston, Bill & Wood, Tony - Hitler's Luftwaffe
Donald, David - The Complete Encyclopedia Of World Aircraft, 1997, Brown Packaging Books Ltd., London
Wikipedia - Junkers Ju 288