Blohm Und Voss Bv 238
The BV 238 V1, bearing the four-letter Stammkennzeichen (factory radio code) of RO + EZ, first flew on March 11, 1944 after a first jump on March 10, 1944. Six Daimler-Benz DB 603 inverted V12 piston engines were used in total, arranged in three forward-facing engine nacelles on each wing, with each engine's coolant radiator in a chin cowl directly under the engine, bearing an almost identical appearance to those fitted to the Do 217M medium bomber and some examples of the Do 217J night fighter.
Production of two other prototypes was begun but neither was finished. A 1/4 scale model of the BV 238 was made during the plane's development for testing. Known as the FGP 227, it made a forced landing during its first flight and did not provide any data to the program.

[Source: Unknown]

[Source: Unknown]
Wikipedia - Blohm Und Voss Bv 238
Wikipedia - Blohm Und Voss Bv 238