Macchi Castoldi MC.202
"Folgore" (Lightning)
"Folgore" (Lightning)
In 1943 Italy surrendered to Allies and
Germany was forced to seize all country. They captured many planes, mainly
outdated, but some of them were still good enough to fly and fight. Germans
tried to capture as much good fighters as possible. They focused on MC.202 and
MC.205, FIAT G-55 and Reggiane Re-2005 fighters. Overall 47 of captured Macchi
MC.202 fighters were used by Luftwaffe mainly for operational training. For
combat duties Luftwaffe used only Macchi MC.205 Veltro (Greyhound). Several
German MC.202 were transfered to Croatia.

Macchi MC.202 with temporary Luftwaffe markings.

Macchi MC.202 with temporary Luftwaffe markings.