After the invasion of Poland in September 1939, the Germans captured the remnants of the Polish Air Force. Most of these aircraft were damaged or
destroyed, but about one hundred planes were airworthy. Germans captured
several RWD-8 and at least two of them were repaired in Mielec factory and used
by Luftwaffe. Some sources reports, that Germany used about 15 planes but this
info is questionable. After seizing Latvia, Germany recaptured about 10
ex-Polish ex-Soviet RWD-8 and probably those planes were used in German
markings by Estonian pilots in 1943.

RWD-8 repaired in Mielec and used by Luftwaffe.
(A. Szymanski collection)

RWD-8 repaired in Mielec and used by Luftwaffe.
(A. Szymanski collection)