Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire in many versions
created probably the largest fleet of captured planes in Germany. Of course all
Spitfires (excluding one, maybe two machines) were recovered after crash
landing. Most of this planes were used in so-called Zirkus Rosarius - 2.Staffel
Versuchsverband Oberkommando der Luftwaffe. Planes in this unit were used for
combat training and for develop new dogfight techniques. Spitfires used in
Zirkus Rosarius were reequipped with R/T FuG 7 or FuG 7a for better
communication between instructor and pupil. Germans captured (airworthy of
flyable after quick repairs) Spitfires in following versions: Spitfire Mk I, Mk
Spitfire PR Mk. VI probably used in Zirkus Rosarius. (Vincent).
Spitfire PR Mk. VI probably used in Zirkus Rosarius. (Vincent).