Focke-Wulf Fw 191
In July 1939 the RLM issued a technical specification that eventually became known as
Bomber B, a wide-ranging and technically difficult requirement that was intended to
lead to a bomber of advanced design but which caused millions of marks and man-hours
to be wasted. Features were to include two of the extremely powerful new engines
(2,500hp class) then on testbed, remotely sighted defensive cannon barbettes,
a pressure cabin, and the ability to make dive-bopmbing attacks. The Ar 340 and Do 317
were rejected or suspended and the Fw 191 and Ju 288 ordered as prototypes.
Focke-Wulf's design team un E. Kösel chose the six-bank Jumo 222 engine, but accepted the
lower-powered BMW 801 radial to get the first V1 prototype into the air. A source
of trouble was soon identified in the Multhropp wing flaps which also served as the
dive brakes; they fluttered severely. Another was the extremely complicated all-electric
nature of the Fw 191, and a third was with the 801 engines it was dangerously underpowered.
Eventually the 191B switched to the Daimler-Benz DB 610 double engine, of 2,870hp, and
a heavier armament of six MG 151 and four 13mm MG 131 in four fuselage barbettes, but
lack of suitable engines was one of the reasons for dropping the whole programme in 1943.

Type: Advanced Medium Bomber
Origin: Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH.
Models: V1 to V6, A, B, & C
First Flight: Early 1942
Service Delivery: Not put into production
Final Delivery: N/A
Powerplant: Various
Horsepower: N/A Fuel:
Capacity: N/A
Type: N/A Dimensions:
Wing span: 26.00m (85 ft. 3.5 in.)
Length: 19.63m (64 ft. 4.75 in.)
Height: 5.60m (18 ft. 4.5in.)
Wing Surface Area: N/A Weights: (B Model)
Empty: 16,300kg (35,940 lbs.)
Maximum: 25,600kg (56,445 lbs.)
Origin: Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH.
Models: V1 to V6, A, B, & C
First Flight: Early 1942
Service Delivery: Not put into production
Final Delivery: N/A
Powerplant: Various
Horsepower: N/A Fuel:
Capacity: N/A
Type: N/A Dimensions:
Wing span: 26.00m (85 ft. 3.5 in.)
Length: 19.63m (64 ft. 4.75 in.)
Height: 5.60m (18 ft. 4.5in.)
Wing Surface Area: N/A Weights: (B Model)
Empty: 16,300kg (35,940 lbs.)
Maximum: 25,600kg (56,445 lbs.)
Maximum Speed: 632kph (393 mph)
Range with Max. Load: 1,400km (870 miles)
Service Ceiling: 27,887 ft. (8500m) Armament:
Planned Armament:
Dorsal and ventral barbettes, each with a 20mm MG 151 cannon flanked by two 7.92mm MG 81, Two twin MG 81 barbettes in the tail of the engine nacelles, and a chin barbette with another pair of MG 81. Bomb Load:
6,614 lbs. (3000kg)
(Two torpedoes could also be carried internally) Avionics:
Maximum Speed: 632kph (393 mph)
Range with Max. Load: 1,400km (870 miles)
Service Ceiling: 27,887 ft. (8500m) Armament:
Planned Armament:
Dorsal and ventral barbettes, each with a 20mm MG 151 cannon flanked by two 7.92mm MG 81, Two twin MG 81 barbettes in the tail of the engine nacelles, and a chin barbette with another pair of MG 81. Bomb Load:
6,614 lbs. (3000kg)
(Two torpedoes could also be carried internally) Avionics: