Heinkel He 111

He-111H-3 (1H+EK) of 2/KG26
Origin: Ernst Heinkel AG
First Flight:
He-111H-1: Early 1939
Service Delivery: N/A
Final Delivery:
He-111H-23: October 1944
Production: N/A
He-111H-0 & H-1:
Model: Junkers Jumo 211A
Type: Liquid cooled inverted V-12
Number: Two Horsepower: 1,100 hp
Model: Junkers Jumo 211D-2
Type: Liquid cooled inverted V-12
Number: Two Horsepower: 1,200 hp
Model: Junkers Jumo 213E-1
Type: Liquid cooled inverted V-12 with 2-stage
supercharger & GM-1 power boost.
Number: Two Horsepower: 1,750 hp
Capacity: 748 Imp. Gal. (3,400 liters) in wing cells
Type: N/A
Oil Capacity N/A
Dimensions: He-111H-3
Wing span: 22.6m (74 ft 1.75 in.)
Length: 16.4m (53 ft. 9.5 in.)
Height: 4m (13 ft. 1.5 in.)
Wing Surface Area: N/A
Empty: 7,720kg (17,000 lbs.)
Loaded: 14,000kg (30,865 lbs.) Performance:
Maximum Speed:
Empty: 258 mph (415 kph)
Loaded: 205 mph
Loaded: 745 miles (1200 kilometers)
Initial climb:
Empty: to 4,500m (14,765 ft.) in 30-35 minutes
Empty: to 4,500m (14,765 ft.) in 50 minutes
Service Ceiling: 25,590 ft. (7,800m)
One 7.92mm MG 15 machine gun on manual mount in nose cap
One 7.92mm MG 15 machine gun on manual mount in dorsal position
One 7.92mm MG 15 machine gun on manual mount in ventral gondola
Two 7.92mm MG 15 machine gun on manual mounts in waist windows
One 7.92mm MG 15 or MG 17 machine gun on fixed mount firing forward
One 20mm MG FF cannon on fixed mount in front part of ventral gondola's
One 7.92mm MG 15 machine gun on manual mount in side of nose (for co-pilot?)
One 7.92mm MG 17 machine gun on fixed mount in extreme tail
Up to 4,410lb (2000kg) of bombs mounted in vertical cells, stored nose up. Avionics:
FuG 10 radio equipment

He-111H crew pose with their aircraft.
Gunston, Bill & Wood, Tony - Hitler's Luftwaffe
, 1977, Salamander Books Ltd., London
WikiPedia - Heinkel He 111
Brown, Eric, Captain - Wings Of The Luftwaffe, 1979, Airlife Publishing Ltd., Shrewsbury
The Complete Encyclodepia of World Aircraft, 1997, Barnes & Nobles Books, ISBN: 0 7607 0592 5
Gunston, Bill & Wood, Tony - Hitler's Luftwaffe
WikiPedia - Heinkel He 111
Brown, Eric, Captain - Wings Of The Luftwaffe, 1979, Airlife Publishing Ltd., Shrewsbury
The Complete Encyclodepia of World Aircraft, 1997, Barnes & Nobles Books, ISBN: 0 7607 0592 5