Junkers Ju 288

Ju 288B (V14).
Type: Medium Bomber
Origin: Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenwerke AG
First Flight:
Number Produced: 22
Origin: Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenwerke AG
- A-Series (V1 to V7)
- B-Series (V9 to V14)
- C-Series (V101 to V108)
First Flight:
- Ju 288V-1: January 1941
- Ju 288B: 1942
Number Produced: 22
Ju 288V-1:
- Model: BMW 801A
- Type: 18-Cylinder two-row radial
- Number: Two
- Horsepower: 1,600 hp
- Model: Junkers Jumo 222A-1/B-1
- Type: Multi-banked engines with ducted spinners
- Number: Two
- Horsepower: 2,500 hp
- Model: Daimler-Benz DB 606A-1/B-1
- Type: Double engine
- Number: Two
- Horsepower: 2,700 hp
Ju 288V-5:
Ju 288B:
Wing span:
- Ju 288A: 60 ft. (18.29m)
- Ju 288B & C: 74 ft. 4 in. (22.65m)
- Ju 288A: 52 ft. 2 in. (15.89m)
- Ju 288B: 58 ft. 4.75 in. (17.79m)
- Ju 288C: 59 ft. 5.75 in. (18.12m)
- Ju 288A: 13 ft. 7 in. (4.15m)
- Ju 288B & C: 14 ft. 9 in. (4.50m)
- Wing Surface Area: N/A
- Ju 288A: 26,240 lb. (11,900 kg)
- Ju 288B: N/A
- Ju 288C: 29,546 lb. (13,400 kg)
- Ju 288A: 38,900 lb. (17,645 kg)
- Ju 288B: 46,186 lb. (20,950 kg)
- Ju 288C: 49,493 lb. (22,450 kg)
- Ju 288A: 416 mph (670 kph)
- Ju 288B: 388 mph (625 kph)
- Ju 288C: 407 mph (655 kph)
- Ju 288A: 2,237 miles (3600 km)
- Ju 288B: 1,678 miles (2700 km)
- Ju 288C: 1,616 miles (2600 km)
- Four 13mm MG 131 in two remote-control barbettes.
- Two 15mm MG 131 in front remote-control barbette.
- Two 15mm MG 131 in rear remote-control barbette.
- Two 15mm MG 131 in dorsal barbette.
- One 20mm MG 151 in tail.
- Ju 288V-1:
- 6,614 lb. (3000 kg)
- Ju 288C:
- 6,614 lb. (3000 kg) internally.
- 4,409 lb. externally.
Maximum Speed:
Service Ceiling: N/A
Range with max internal bomb load:
Ju 288A:
Ju 288C:
Gunston, Bill - The Encyclodepia of the Worlds Combat aircraft, 1976, Chartwell Books, Inc., New York
Brown, Eric, Captain - Wings of the Luftwaffe
, 1979, Airlife Publishing Ltd., Shrewsbury
Gunston, Bill & Wood, Tony - Hitler's Luftwaffe
, 1977, Salamander
Books Ltd., London
Donald, David - The Complete Encyclopedia Of World Aircraft, 1997, Brown Packaging Books Ltd., London
Wikipedia - Junkers Ju 288
Gunston, Bill - The Encyclodepia of the Worlds Combat aircraft, 1976, Chartwell Books, Inc., New York
Brown, Eric, Captain - Wings of the Luftwaffe
Gunston, Bill & Wood, Tony - Hitler's Luftwaffe
Donald, David - The Complete Encyclopedia Of World Aircraft, 1997, Brown Packaging Books Ltd., London
Wikipedia - Junkers Ju 288