Over-All Length: 49.0 in. Body Length: N/A Body Diameter: 14.5 in. Wall Thickness: 0.075 in. Tail Length: 19.5 in. Tail Width: 13.5 in. Total Weight: N/A kg. |
Filling: 19 parachute flares 3 SD 2 bombs. Fuzing: ZT 89B SUSPENSION: Horizontal. COLOR AND MARKINGS: Khaki AB 250 KZ Boden 19 Mark SB2 (89)B |
CONSTRUCTION: The container body is made of sheet steel. It is built in two pieces, hinged at the tail. (See illustration).
A subsidiary container for the 3 SD 2-kg. bombs is secured to the bottom half of the container by means of a wire cable secured to the base of the suspension strut.
OPERATION: On release from the aircraft, the clockwork mechanism of the fuze is initiated and after a predetermined delay period the fuze functions to initiate the bursting charge. This shears an unusually heavy shear pin and then the container opens on the tail hinge. The flares fall away are ignited via friction pull ignitors attached by eight cord loops to the main shroud line.
The subsidiary SD 2 container falls away and on reaching the end of its cable recieves a jerk causing the locking wire to break. The container opens and spills the three SD-2 bombs.
The flares are the metal cylinder type, 13.5 inches long, 3.25 inches diameter.
All information for this entry were acquired from Army Technical manual TM 9-1985-2/Air Force Technical Order TO 39B-1A-9 GERMAN EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE (Bombs, Fuzes, Rockets, Land Mines, Grenades & Igniters)